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Eta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., a non-profit business and professional women’s organization, founded in 1942 by eleven women who attended Lewis Business College in Detroit, Michigan.  The vision of these eleven visionary Founders was to promote higher scholastic standards, personal growth, career awareness, and to provide opportunities for community service.  Eta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. was incorporated in 1943.

The eleven Founders were Ivy Burt Banks, Earline Carter, Katherine Douglas, Mae Edwards Curry, Merry Green Hubbard, Ethel Madison, Ann Porter, Lena Reed, Mattie Rankin, Atheline Shelton Graham, and Dorothy Sylvers Brown.

The purpose of Eta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. is to promote and develop closer fellowship between business and professional women and to work for their welfare; to obtain for women the opportunity for the highest standards in all business fields; to aid high school graduates by awarding scholarships to further their education in business and professional fields; and to contribute financially to local and national charities and to promote and assist in programs designated for improving the well-being of developmentally disabled citizens.

For over 79 years, Eta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. has provided services to improve the quality of life of individuals in many communities throughout the United States and the Virgin Islands.  All programs and projects are consistent with our motto, “Not For Ourselves, But For Others”.

We believe all women can embrace who they are,
can define their future, and can change the world.

Our Mission

Our Mission

For over 70 years, Eta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. has provided services to improve the quality of life of individuals.


Our Vision

The purpose of Eta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. is to promote and develop closer fellowship between business and professional women​.

Learn More About Us Today!

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